Executive Coaching | Growth Edge Interview | Assessments | NEUROstroll® | Executive Education & Facilitation
The NeuroStroll® was initially conceived, designed, and developed by Dr. Marcia Ruben, as part of a two-year research grant while she was an Associate Professor at Golden Gate University. Dr. Ruben retained Dr. Debra Pearce-McCall to assist in the initial design and development. Dr. Pearce-McCall is a consulting psychologist with decades of experience in neurobiology, teaching, and leadership development.
The NeuroStroll® experience can be customized in several ways, depending on your organization’s needs. We aim for each participant to learn to use NeuroStroll, a tour through our mind and brain capacities, as a personalized and impactful set of tools to make and sustain positive changes.
Be on the lookout for the NeuroStroll®, app, currently under development.
Have you set leadership development goals but have not reached them?
Creating solid goals is an essential first step, and then what?
How do we make the small, consistent steps that bring our goals to life over time?
Does the research support any of the best ways to change our patterns and achieve our goals?
Can knowing how our minds and brains work with goals help us build a toolkit of methods to help us along the way?
We bring the most current research on successful leadership goal achievement into one fun, memorable program. Combining information from neuroscience, psychology, mindfulness, and individual and organizational change studies, the NeuroStroll provides an experiential immersion in enriching the goal attainment process and maximizing positive outcomes.
Participants experience several NeuroStroll exercises, each designed to share information and concrete to-dos for goal achievement while also giving information about the mind qualities and brain anatomy supporting them.
Each participant will receive a NeuroStroll Guidebook to use throughout the experience. This provides a personal space for reflective writing and thought exercises and a way to take home the experience. The exercises include some group discussions and activities, each consisting of an introduction to relevant brain areas. The Guidebook contains the Exercise sheets used during the NeuroStroll® and a multi-color custom-designed brain graphic, giving a visual map for this information. Participants are also invited to step into a 15’x15’ NeuroStroll® brain mat to fully experience and understand which parts of the brain they need to access to attain their leadership development goal.
Participants keep the Guidebook, now customized through their own experience on the NeuroStroll, to meet their goal(s). The complete take-home Guidebook includes summaries about mind, brain, and goal science and further resources and references.
Schedule a complimentary phone
or video call!
Let us assist you in defining your leadership development goals from the first step. Please provide your email address and phone number to arrange a complimentary 15-minute phone or video call.