Leadership Insights
from the Untangle Doctor®
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- executive leadership coach 4
Why You Must Start Re-thinking the Way You Communicate Today
Do you realize that every time you speak to peers, direct reports, and Board members, you have the opportunity to transform your relationship? Do you know that you can align your mind, brain, and conversations to create a more productive working relationship?
Making Sense of Wicked Tangles
I recently conducted a rigorous research study on how key stakeholders in an organization make sense of a seemingly intractable complex challenge exacerbated by human dynamics issues. The current economic mess is a wicked tangle because it involves multiple stakeholders, each with a different view of the situation. Each stakeholder not only has their own interests, but also a different idea of how the situation should be solved. The photo above gives a snapshot of the myriad of stakeholders enmeshed in this wicked tangle. When faced with wicked corporate tangles, it is helpful to draw a picture of all of the stakeholders, and identify their positions and underlying interests.
Are Negative Emotions Fueling Your Leadership Tangles?
Like many, we had a group of friends over to watch the Superbowl last night. Some of us rooted for the Pittsburgh Steelers, while others were backing the Arizona Cardinals. That was good old-fashioned sports rivalry. However, we were all taken aback by the negative energy that emanated from some of the commercials. As reported in today's San Francisco Chronicle, many of the ads were downright aggressive and hostile.
What Leaders Can Learn From Nano Knots
Last Friday, January 9, on the way to a client engagement, I was listening to Science Friday on NPR. Ira Flatow introduced the topic of Nano Knots. Nano knots are microscopic particles that, under certain conditions, can twist themselves into replicable patterns. So what does this have to do with leadership?