Leadership Insights
from the Untangle Doctor®
Blog Post Archive
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- Captain Sullenberger 1
- Hush Hush Tangle 1
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- Meg Wheatley 1
- Strangling Tangle 2
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- VUCA 17
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- executive coaching 5
- executive leadership 11
- executive leadership coach 4

Leaders: How effective are your teams?
I recently had the good fortune of meeting a very successful businessman who works globally. During the course of our conversation, I mentioned that I work with executive teams and teach graduate courses in team dynamics and leadership. He asked me if I knew the definition of a team.
“Yes,” I replied, and I would like to hear yours. He answered that the U.S. definition of a team is based on the acronym, TEAM. “Together everyone achieves more.”

Leadership Skills: One on one coaching tips from a professional dancer
A colleague of mine, I’ll call him Aaron, is a professional dancer who has worked in a international professional dance company for five years. He and I got to talking about his work and the leadership tangles that have presented themselves. As we spoke, I realized that therewere some lessons to be learned for all leaders. Here is the first excerpt of an interview I conducted over a period of several weeks.

What Effective Executive Leaders Can Learn from Geese – Lesson 1
Your intrepid Tangle Doctor has been tied up, so to speak, implementing new ways to untangle corporate leadership knots and teaching MBA students how to work well together and be effective leaders. So many tangles, so little time!

Increase Team Effectiveness – Avoid Violated Values TanglesTM
Executive leadership teams regularly develop values statements to explain what is most important to them in fulfilling the company mission. Teams go through exercises to identify values they hope to live by.