Today’s Economic Crisis is a Wicked Tangle
greed, leadership, wicked tangle Guest User greed, leadership, wicked tangle Guest User

Today’s Economic Crisis is a Wicked Tangle

Last night, Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show , interviewed Bethany McLean, a contributing editor of Vanity Fair about the current economic crisis. Stewart opined that while we can understand the Madoff fraud, it is much harder to wrap our heads around the economic meltdown. Jon Stewart commented that money seemed to disappear in this crisis, and wondered how it could be recovered. This got me thinking. I coined the term Wicked Tangle, after the term wicked problems. I define a wicked tangle as a multi-system tangle that involves challenges without definitions and boundaries. Everything is intertwined, and the solution to one part of the challenge creates problems elsewhere. The Feds give money to the banks and the banks tighten their lending policies. You can never truly solve a wicked tangle. What differentiates a wicked tangle from a wicked problem is that the human dynamics of greed, ego, and lack of transparency both create and exacerbate wicked tangles.

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What Hard Choices are Sabotaging Your Business Ethics?
ethics, quality, profits Guest User ethics, quality, profits Guest User

What Hard Choices are Sabotaging Your Business Ethics?

Most professionals -- doctors, lawyers, dentists, and psychologists - are regulated by a written code of ethics. These standards dictate minimum, not optimal, standards for purely ethical behavior. For example, even though an attorney can represent both a husband and wife in drafting a marital settlement agreement, a highly ethical attorney would not consider this course of action because it is not in the best interest of both parties. Even with strong rules of conduct, there are always gray areas, and professionals often have to make hard choices.

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