Leadership Insights
from the Untangle Doctor®
Blog Post Archive
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- executive leadership 11
- executive leadership coach 4
Leadership Wisdom for Executive Leaders – No Excuses – Tip #3
It is so easy to make excuses when things don't turn out as you planned. How often are you tempted to point the finger of blame? As an executive leadership coach, I have worked with leaders who have gotten in the bad habit of blaming others and are surprised when they don't get the results that they want.
Leadership Wisdom for Executive Leaders — Tip #2
Star leaders give willingly without a price tag attached to what they are giving. They operate from a “full cup” mentality. Their cup is full and they don’t need to take from others to fill theirs up. There is no price tag attached to their requests.
Leadership Wisdom for Executive Leaders – Tip #1
Leadership is both an inside and outside game. In this series of blogposts, I will share leadership wisdom I have gathered and found useful in my own leadership development and what I have observed in my work with executive leaders. As the Tangle DoctorTM, it is my opinion that leaders who create productive, accountable cultures are better able to minimize Organizational TanglesTM –unproductive working relationships, snarled lines of communication, and fuzzy lines of authority-- demonstrate the leadership qualities I will share in a series of blog posts.
What could an executive leadership coach tell Japan's Naoto Kan?
According to John Brinsley, from Bloomberg News, “Three days ago, Prime Minister Naoto Kan was fighting for his political life. Now, the success of his government may hinge on how he responds to what he calls Japan’s biggest crisis since the end of World War II.”