Leadership Insights
from the Untangle Doctor®
Blog Post Archive
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Know Your Brain, Grow Your Leadership
I have been learning about and teaching basic neuroscience principles for the past three and a half years. I use a brain-based coaching approach in my executive coaching practice. I have come to appreciate how much a basic working knowledge of our brains can help leaders function more effectively.
VUCA Revisited Again –Volatility Rouses Fear
I first wrote this post in early 2011, just after I began teaching in the MBA program at Golden Gate University as an adjunct professor. Since then, I have become a full-time graduate level professor and still maintain my practice as an executive leadership consultant and coach. This continues to force me to stay current with leadership research and weave that research into a pragmatic solution for clients and business school students.
Know Your Brain, Accelerate Leadership Performance!
Last fall, I was privileged to be included in the first group of global executive leadership coaches certified in My Brain Solutions (MBS). The Academy of Brain Based Leadership sponsored the certification training. MBS is the only scientifically validated assessment that truly measures brain performance and has been used effectively by clinicians for several years. It was developed by an independent consortium of over 200 neuroscientists, led by Dr. Evian Gordon. It was redesigned in 2014 to improve the effectiveness of business leaders.
Leaders – does your physical space optimize performance?
Fascinating Study
In late June, 2015, I had the opportunity to visit the charming town of Kolding in Denmark. There, nestled atop a scenic city, we visited a ecently restored old castle. As we got to the top of the castle, we were delighted to see an exhibit of student work. We found out that the Kolding Design School offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in design. The exhibits were from their most recent graduates.